
July 24, 2012

The American Prize for Excellence in the Arts
Named FINALIST in two categories: choral conducing and choral performance by a community chorus

June 11, 2012

The American Prize for Excellence in the Arts
Named SEMI-FINALIST in two categories: choral conducing and choral performance by a community chorus

May 31, 2012

Received notification of acceptance to present at the national ACDA convention, March 2013
Session Information – Mad Men: Advertise, Recruit and Welcome Male Singers into Your Program
“Why We Sing” starts the conversation, but it’s the answers that dictate how and where we correctly recruit male singers.  Don Draper, television’s most famous advertising mogul, believes, “When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him.  He has a million reasons for being anywhere, just ask him.”  Discover, compare and share successful recruiting strategies used by men’s choruses of all types, including proven methods for secondary school singers, university glee clubs, gay men’s choruses, collegiate a cappella ensembles and barbershop choruses.   Draper fittingly proposes, “If you listen, he’ll tell you how he got there.”